PUT: Insert New Data
Insert new documents. See Insert in the Language Spec for details of the document posted. Also look at [[Metada page|Rest-Spec-Metadata#rest-spec-metadata]] to create the schema before trying to insert any data (the project require a defined schema before any data be inserted, so it DOESN'T create schema automatically based on the insert).
Body of request is a JSON document matching the request JSON schema.
Insert new data for given entity and specific version.
PUT /data/insert/{entityName}/{version}
{request JSON document}
Insert new data for given entity in the default version.
PUT /data/insert/{entityName}
{request JSON document}
Response: Success
On success returns a response JSON document.
Response: Errors
- crud:NoAccess - caller doesn't have access required to insert the document
- crud:insert:NoFieldAccess - caller doesn't have acces required to insert a field
- mongo-crud:Duplicate - document already exists
- mongo-crud:SaveError - general error, unable to save document
Example: create country
PUT /data/insert/country/1.0.0
"objectType": "country",
"version": "1.0.0",
"data": [
"name": "Canada",
"iso2code": "CA",
"iso3code": "CAN"
"projection": [
"field": "*",
"include": true
"status": "complete",
"modifiedCount": 1,
"processed": [
"name": "Canada",
"iso2code": "CA",
"iso3code": "CAN"