entity access

Entity access definitions. Determines the access rights at an entity level.

"access": {
    "delete": [
        "delete role 1",
    "find": [
        "find role 1",
    "insert": [
        "insert role 1",
    "update": [
        "update role 1",

If no access is defined then access defaults to anyone.

  • delete: Array of roles allowed to delete instances of the entity. [optional]
  • find: Array of roles allowed to find data in this entity. [optional]
  • insert: Array of roles allowed to insert new entities. [optional]
  • update: Array of roles allowed to update existing entities. [optional]

If the caller does not have the required role for the operation, a (not allowed) error entity will be returned.

Special Roles

There are two special roles you can use in lightblue without any work.

  • anyone: any authenticated user has access to the operation on the entity
  • noone: no user (literally) has access to the operation on the entity

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