PUT: Create New Metadata/Update metadata
Create a new entity by defining a new metadata, or updates existing metadata by creating a new version of schema. If the entity that is passed in by the request already exists, but the schema version does not exist, the entity info is updated, and a new version of the schema is created. If the entity does not exist, the new entity is created.
Two path params on the request representing the entity name and version. Body of request is a JSON document matching the metadata JSON-schema
PUT /metadata/{entityName}/{version}
{metadata JSON document}
Response: Success
On success returns the stored metadata document for the newly created version of the entity.
Response: Errors
Additional error codes:
- metadata:NoEntityName - no entity name specified
- metadata:NoEntityVersion - no entity version specified
- rest-metadata:NoNameMatch - entity name on the path does not match entity name in the json document
- rest-metadata:NoVersionMatch - version on the path does not match the version in the json document
- metadata:DuplicateEntityInfo - entity info for this entity already exists
- metadata:DuplicateSchema - schema for this entity with this version already exists