reference field

There are four types of type values:

  • simple
    • bigdecimal, biginteger, boolean, binary, date, double, integer, string
  • container
    • array, object
  • reference
    • reference
  • free-form
    • any

This section is focusing on the reference type.


Reference fields allow for associating entities in lightblue, similar to joins in a relational database. A few key things to remember about references:

  • References are defined in metadata, meaning there is no support for ad-hoc joins.
  • References are not projected by default. To fetch a reference you must explicitly project the reference field.
"referenceFieldName": {
    "type": "reference",
    "entity": "referencedEntity",
    "versionValue": "referencedEntityVersion",
    "query": { ... }
  • referenceFieldName: Name of the field to contain the reference. When projected, this field will always have a type of array.[required]
  • entity: The name of the entity being reference. [required]
  • versionValue: The version of the entity being referenced. [required]
  • query: The query used to retreive the referenced entity.

The query is written from the referenced entity point of view. To use a field in the referencing entity use the special keyword $parent.


You have a user entity that references an address. The address has a userId field that is the foreign key to _id in user.

The address metadata:

    "entityInfo": {
        "name": "address",
    "schema": {
        "name": "address",
        "version": {
            "changelog": "initial version",
            "value": "1.0.0"
        "fields": {
            "_id": {
                "type": "string",
                "constraints": {
                    "identity": true
            "userId": {
                "type": "string"

The user metadata, with reference to address:

    "entityInfo": {
        "name": "user",
    "schema": {
        "name": "user",
        "version": {
            "changelog": "initial version",
            "value": "1.0.0"
        "fields": {
            "_id": {
                "type": "string",
                "constraints": {
                    "identity": true
            "addresses": {
                "type": "reference",
                "entity": "address",
                "versionValue": "1.0.0",
                "query": {
                    "field": "userId",
                    "op": "=",
                    "rfield": "$parent._id"

In this example you see the addresses field in user that is a reference to address. In that query:

  • field refers to userId in the address entity
  • the operation is =
  • and the right-hand field is _id in user

How to read rfield: from addresses go up one ($parent) and then find _id.

To query for all users with _id equal to 10 and project all the user's fields and referenced addresses:

    "objectType": "user",
    "projection": [
            "field": "*",
            "include": true,
            "recursive": true
            "field": "addresses",
            "include": true,
            "recursive": true
    "query": {
        "field": "_id",
        "op": "=",
        "rvalue": "10"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""