GET: Generate value

Get generated values for a field


Generate a value using value generators declared for the 'field' of the given entity version. If 'n' is given, generates that many values.

GET /data/generate/{entityName}/{version}/{field}?n={n}

Generate a value using value generators declared for the 'field' of the given entities default version. If 'n' is given, generates that many values.

GET /data/generate/{entityName}/{field}?n={n}



GET /data/generate/test/1.0.0/path.*.to.field?n=3


{ "status":"COMPLETE",processed":["50000001","50000002","50000003"]}

Response: Success

On success returns a response JSON document, with "processed" field containing an array of generated values.

If the field does not have a generator, returns a successful response with empty "processed" field.

Response: Error

  • crud:NoAccess - caller doesn't have read, insert, or update access to the entity

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