
query_expression := logical_expression | comparison_expression
logical_expression := unary_logical_expression | nary_logical_expression
unary_logical_expression := { unary_logical_operator : query_expression }
nary_logical_expression := { nary_logical_operator : [ query_expression,...] }
unary_logical_operator := "$not"
nary_logical_operator := "$and" | "$or" | "$all" | "$any"

comparison_expression := relational_expression | array_comparison_expression
relational_expression := binary_relational_expression |
                         nary_relational_expression |

binary_relational_expression := field_comparison_expression |
field_comparison_expression := { "field": <field or array>,
                                 op: binary_comparison_operator,
                                 "rfield": <field or array> }
value_comparison_expression := { "field": <field>,
                                 op: binary_comparison_operator,
                                 rvalue: <value> }
binary_comparison_operator := "=" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" |
                              "$eq" | "$neq" | "$lt" | "$gt" | "$lte" | "$gte"

nary_relational_expression := nary_value_relational_expression |

nary_value_relational_expression := { "field": <field>,
                                       op: nary_comparison_operator,
                                       values: value_list_array }

nary_field_relational_expression := { "field": <field>,
                                       op: nary_comparison_operator,
                                       "rfield": <array_field> }

nary_comparison_operator := "$in" "$not_in" "$nin"

regex_match_expression := { "field": <field>, regex: <pattern>,
                            caseInsensitive: false,
                            extended: false,
                            multiline: false,
                            dotall: false }

array_comparison_expression := array_contains_expression |
array_contains_expression := { array: <field>,
                               contains: "$any" | "$all" | "$none",
                               values: value_list_array }
array_match_expression := { array: <field>,
                            elemMatch: query_expression }
value_list_array := [ value1, value2, ... ]


Search documents with login=someuser:

        "field": "login",
        "op": "=",
        "rvalue": "someuser"

Search documents whose firstname is not equal to lastname:

        "field": "firstname",
        "op": "$ne",
        "rfield": "lastname"

'field' and 'rfield' can be array fields, or simple fields.

  • simpleField op arrayField evaluates to true if simpleField op arrayField[i] for all i
  • arrayField1 op arrayField2 evaluates to true if arrayField1[i] op arrayField2[i] for all i

Logical expressions:

        "$not": {
            "field": "firstname",
            "op": "$ne",
            "rfield": "lastname"
        "$and": [
                "field": "firstname",
                "op": "$ne",
                "rfield": "lastname"
                "field": "login",
                "op": "=",
                "rvalue": "someuser"

Can use "$all" instead of "$and".

        "$or": [
                "field": "firstname",
                "op": "$ne",
                "rfield": "lastname"
                "field": "login",
                "op": "=",
                "rvalue": "someuser"

Can use "$any" instead of "$or".

List of values:

        "field": "city",
        "op": "$in",
        "values": [
        "field": "city",
        "op": "$in",
        "rfield": "citiesArrayField"

Search for a login name, starting with a prefix, case insensitive:

        "field": "login",
        "regex": "prefix.*",
        "options": "i"

Array Queries

There are two types of array queries. An array contains query checks if an array of primitive values contains some, all, or none of the given values.

Search for a document where an array field contains "value1" and "value2"

        "array": "someArray",
        "contains": "$all",
        "values": [

An array match query evaluates a nested search criteria for all elements of an array. The array query evaluates to 'true' if at least one of the array element matches the nested query. The result is 'false' if none of the array elements matches.The field names in the nested query are evaluated with respect to the array elements.

Search for a document that contains an array with an object element with "item" field equals 1.

        "array": "someArray",
        "elemMatch": {
            "field": "item",
            "op": "=",
            "rvalue": "1"

Note that a query decides whether a document will be included in the result set or not. If only the matching array elements are required, the search criteria used in the query should also be used in projection.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""