
Data APIs

All Data APIs get a Json request object, and return a Json response object.

Common: Request

  "entity": entityName,
  "entityVersion": entityMetadataVersion,
  "client": clientIdentification,
  "execution": executionOptions
  • entity: Mandatory field that specifies the name of the entity to be operated on
  • entityVersion: Optional field that gives the version of metadata. If not given, latest version is assumed.
  • clientId: Optional field. This field contains the authentication information for the caller, which is auth implementation specific, or a session identifier obtained from an earlier call.
  • execution: Optional execution flags.

Common: Response

  "status": one of complete, partial, async, or error,
  "modifiedCount": int,
  "matchCount": int,
  "taskHandle": sync
  "session": sessionInfo,
  "processed": [ entityData ]
  "dataErrors": [ { "data": entityData, "errors": [ errors ] } ]
  "errors": [ errors ]
  • status: enumerated field
    • COMPLETE: The operation completed, all requests are processed
    • PARTIAL: Some of the operations are successful, some failed
    • ASYNC: Operation running asynchronously
    • ERROR: Operation failed because of some system error
  • modifiedCount: number of entities affected by the call, if this is an insert, update, or delete
  • matchCount: total number of entities in the result set, if this is a find.
  • taskHandle: Only present if aysnchronous operation is requested, and status=async. Contains the task handle that the client can use to retrieve status information about the ongoing execution
  • session: Session information for the client. How this is used is implementation dependent, and TBD
  • processed: Projected entity information for processed entities. Only for insert and update. Contains only successfully updated entities. It is up to the caller to project identifying fields if caller needs.
  • dataErrors: All entity related errors.
    • data: Projected entity data
    • errors: Array of errors for that particular object
  • errors: Errors not related to data


Request object:

  common stuff,
  "data": [ entityData ],
  "projection": projection
  • data: Array of entity objects
    • If object ids are given, entities will be inserted with the given object id, otherwise object id will be auto-generated
  • projection: A projection expression specifying what fields of entities to return once the insertion is performed.


Updates or inserts entities with the given ID.

Request object:

  common stuff,
  "data": [ entityData ],
  "upsert": boolean,
  "projection": projection
  • data: Array of entity objects
    • Objects IDs must be given for objects to be updated
    • If an object with the same ID exists, that object is updated. Otherwise, if upsert is true, that object is inserted, if not, error is returned.
  • upsert: If true, inserts the doc if not found, or if the doc doesn't have id
  • projection: A projection expression specifying what fields of updated entities to return


Partially updates entities matching a search criteria

Request object:

  common stuff,
  "query": query_expression,
  "update": update_expression,
  "projection": projection
  • query: A query expression determining which documents to update
  • update: An update expression
  • projection: A projection expression specifying what fields of updated entities to return


Request object:

  common stuff,
  "query": query_expression


Request object:

  common stuff,
  "query": query_expression,
  "projection": projection,
  "sort": sort,
  "range": [ from, to ],
  "from": from,
  "to": to
  • query: A query expression, or null to return everything
  • projection: A projection expression specifying what to return. If not set, nothing is returned.
  • sort: Optional sort specification
  • range: Optional range, inclusive range of results to return.
  • from: Optional beginning of a range, use only if 'range' is omitted.
  • to: Optional end of a range, use only if 'range' is omitted.

If sort is not given, the results will be returned in an unspecified order, making range useless. There is no guarantee that subsequent calls will retrieve the results in the same order.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""