

In order to connect lightblue to LDAP, you must first add a datasource to datasources.json.

Multiple LDAP datasources can be used by adding additional blocks, each with a unique datasource and database name.


  • type - Class path to the DataSourceConfiguration implementation for LDAP. Should always be com.redhat.lightblue.config.ldap.LdapDataSourceConfiguration.
  • database - Arbitrary name for the database, used by metadata to reference the target database.
  • bindabledn - Similar to a username, this is the dn used to authenticate into LDAP.
  • password - Password associated with the bindabledn.
  • numberOfInitialConnections - (optional) The number of connections to initially establish when the pool is created. Defaults to 5.
  • maxNumberOfConnections - (optional) The maximum number of connections that should be maintained in the pool. Defaults to 10.
  • servers - A list of host and port numbers to connect to. At least one must be provided. Multiples indicate mirrors that can be equally read from and written to.


    "MyLdapDatasourceName": {
        "type" : "com.redhat.lightblue.config.ldap.LdapDataSourceConfiguration",
        "database" : "LdapDatabaseName",

        "bindabledn" : "uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com",
        "password" : "secret",
        "numberOfInitialConnections" : 5,
        "maxNumberOfConnections" : 10,
        "servers" : [
                "host" : "localhost",
                "port" : "389"


At this time LDAP is not a suitable backend metadata store and cannot be used in this capacity.


Add the following block to the controllers section in lightblue-crud.json. There really isn't anything to configure here, so the equivalent of a copy/paste should work.

   "controllers" : [
        "backend" : "ldap",
        "controllerFactory" : "com.redhat.lightblue.config.ldap.LdapControllerFactory"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""